duminică, 13 decembrie 2009

pregatiri pregatiri! : ) / getting ready

Peste tot e forfota, si frig. Parca oamenii incearca din ce in ce mai mult sa pastreze spiritul sarbatorilor de iarna, frumoase, reci si calde, verzi albe si rosii. Recunosc ca inca n-am auzit colinde traditionale, tocmai am ratat un concert, dar la noi in casa se tot aude "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" si de deja mi se pare ca am intarziat cu pregatirile : )
Everywhere people are in a rush, and it's quite cold.. It's like people are sturggling more and more every year to keep the winter holidays' spirit, the cold -warm, beautiful, red, green and white holidays. I admit i haven't heard traditional carols, i just missed a concert, but in our home you can hear very often'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' and i can almost feel i'm late with the preparations.

Pregatiri nu doar pentru Sarbatori, ci si pentru taaaaaaaaarg! Primul meu targ! Tot pregatesc de zor turtite, sa iasa banuti cu ingerasi, desi din tot ce pregatesc mare parte or sa se transforme in cadouri. Cu toate astea, la targ, daca veniti, o sa gasiti o multime de minunatii de la mine, mai multe decat am pe breslo, banuti de pus in bradut si decorat casa, multi ingerasi, fundite si o groaza de persoanaje, la care se adauga bomboane si multe podoabe frumoase. Plus ca am asa o impresie ca la targ o sa fie din nou Pia cu prajiturele . Ma gandeam acum ca si ce fac eu seamana cu gatitul, framant aluatul, astept sa se coaca si il colorez : )
And when i say preparation and don't mean only for the holidays, but for the faaaaaaair!My first fair! I'm very busy doing all it's necessary, making pennies with angels,, though lot of what i'm preparing are meant in the end to become present. Anyway, at the fair, if you come, you will find a lots of wonders, much more than what you can see on breslo, pennies fot the Christmas tree and for decorating the house, ribbons and a lot of characters, to which i add candies and a lot of pretty accessorize. Plus, i have a thought that at the fair, Pia, the girl with wonder cookies will come too!
I was thinking right now that what i'm doing looks a lot like cooking: i'm preparing the dough, waiting for it to grow and be ready, and then i paint it with pretty colors! : )

Va astept cu mult drag la targ : )
Si spor la pregatirile pentru sarbatori! : )

4 comentarii:

  1. oooo, ce frumos! sa ai mult spor la targ :)

  2. succes la targ ! sunt sigura ca o sa ai succes , ai niste lucrusoare tare dragute . :D
    la ce targ participi?

  3. multumeeesc!a fost targul de mos craciun de la breslo. A fost o ex[erienta interesanta, nu un succes din cauza contextului, dar primul meu targ : ) de tinut minte : )

    multumesc pentur vizita! : )
