luni, 30 noiembrie 2009

Joy by post mail : )

Sentimenul pe care il ai cand stii ca ai primit un mail dragut, scris numai pentru tine, e tare frumos. Cand stii ca cineva iti scrie ceva drag, si ca e acolo in inbox, te face pentru cateva clipe tare fericit.

The feeling one has when he knows he knows he has received a pretty email, written only for him, is very nice, when one knows that someone is writting him full of care, and that something is there, in the inbox.

Daaar, sentimentul asta se face si mai mare si mai bucalat cand primesti un plic in cutia postala, sau o "citatie", cum ii zic eu, ca sa te duci sa-ti ridici coletul. Din perspectiva acestei fericiri mari si bucalate va scriu eu astazi, pentru ca am primit si pliculet, si citatie, si-am si luat coletul.
Buut the this feeling grows even bigger and chubbier when he gets an envelope in the mail box, or a subpoena, as i call it, for going to the post to get his packet.

Pliculetul l-am primit pentru ca se apropie ziua mea. Fe fapt, e prima data cand primesc felicitare, aveam o perioada de muult, cand corespondam si tare ma faceau fericita pliculetele din cutia postala. Acum am primit urari cu trifoi de peste mari si tari, in felicitare cu ursulet voinici. Si roz : )
The littel envelope i got for my close birthday. Actually, it's the first time when i receive a greeting letter, there was a time when i was exchanging letters with a friend and they really made me happy! Now i got greeting with a trefoil that comes from miles away in a greeting card with a charming chubby teddy bear. And pink! : )

Coletul era plin cu minuantii, si pentru mine si pentru oameni minunati, pentru ca parte din continutul coletului va poposi si el, peste mari si tari sau aici mai aproape. Toate astea de la Livia Coloji, care face niste lucruri absolut incantatoare, si pe care eu o admir tare mult. Aflati aici mai multe despre ea.
The packet i got was full or wonders, for me and for other wonderful people, because some of the content will fly in the world : ) All this i got from Livia Coloji, an artist that i admire and who makes some extremely gorgeous thing. You can find out here more about her.

Si in ultimul rand, pentur ca se potriveste cu subiectul, o alta bucurie care probabil va zbura si ea undeva, pe care am facut-o fara sa ma gandesc la ce-o sa primesc, ci la ce o s aprimeasca altii. Posta asta e oinventie tare buna : )
Now, at last, because it suits the subject, i present you another joy that will probably fly to someone special, a joy that i made thniking of what others will receive. The post mail is really a wonderful invention : )

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